Website design: Coral Design Management Website construction: Brilliant Digital
Currently our collection includes hardy, half hardy and tender types. They are displayed in the greenhouse and in our salvia beds. We take cuttings to ensure we don’t lose any varieties and to pot up for sale to visitors. Salvias comprise a huge genus of more than 900 species. These range from the humble sage we all use in cooking to some spectacular eye-catching varieties. We also have a range of the closely related Plectranthus. The varieties we hold are listed below. If you are interested in a particular variety, please contact us and we can let you know if we have any for sale or we could take cuttings especially for you.
This groups includes the well known Salvia ‘Hot Lips’. These are hardy and although each individual flower is small, the plants are covered in flowers from late spring until the first frosts. They need a sunny sheltered spot. There are numerous varieties with new ones being introduced all the time.
These die down in winter and include varieties such as Salvia nemorosa and Salvia sylvestris. These can be planted and divided in Spring and if dead headed may flower again that same year. There are also biennial forms such as Salvia Turkestanica which set seed one year and flower the next (like foxgloves do).
This group is mainly comprised of the herbs in common usage today. Salvia fructicosa (Greek Sage) is very bee friendly and is reckoned to be one of the best culinary sages. This group is best planted in spring and cut back after flowering. Propagate by cuttings.
This groups includes a wide variety of attractive forms. Some may come through the winter but it is always wise to take cuttings. Varieties include Salvia elegans (Pineapple Sage) with its lovely orangey red flowers, the guaranticas such as Argentine Skies (pale blue), Black and Bloom a lovely dark blue with black calyxes and the ever popular Salvia Amistad with its deep purple flowers. Amistad came through the frosty Spring of 2021. It is a good idea to take cuttings and cover the plant with a cloche or upturned flower pot over the winter.
This group which will not come through the winter outside make splendid plants for pots or summer bedding schemes. They will sometimes flower all winter long in a greenhouse or conservatory. The “wishes” series such as Salvia Kisses and Wishes and Salvia Embers Wish fall into this category. We have many tender varieties (see list below) including the black flowered Salvia discolour which is good for a hanging basket, salvia convertiflora with brick red flowers and the red flowered Salvia buchananii one of the best for containers.
Salvia azurea
Salvia fulgens
Salvia greggii Alba
Salvia greggii Royal Bumble
Salvia greggii Cream
Salvia greggii Emperor
Salvia greggii Salmon
Salvia greggii Stormy pink
Salvia greggii Sun Gold
Salvia greggii Violin Music
Salvia jamensis Wild Watermelon
Salvia jamensis Los Lirios
Salvia jamensis Moonlight over Ashwood
Salvia jamensis Moonlight serenade
Salvia jamensis Pat Vlasto
Salvia jamensis Peter Vidgeon
Salvia jamensis Pleasant pink
Salvia jamensis Sierra San Antonio
Salvia lycioides
Salvia microphylla Cerro Potosi
Salvia microphylla Cherry Lips
Salvia microphylla Hot Lips
Salvia microphylla Trebah
Salvia microphylla Trelawney
Salvia microphylla Rodbaston Red
Salvia sp cdr 1162
Salvia Crème caramel
Salvia Dyson’s Crimson
Salvia Elsies Red
Salvia Icing Sugar
Salvia Jezebel
Salvia Joy (syn Dyson’s Joy)
Salvia Lalansham
Salvia La Luna
Salvia Peach Cobbler
Salvia Peach Parfait
Salvia Penny Purple
Salvia Penny’s Smile
Salvia microphylla Ribambelle
Salvia Salmon Dance
Salvia Silas Dyson
Salvia Solar eclipse
Savia Strawberries and Cream
Salvia Strawberry seedling
Salvia Wine and Roses
Salvia cacaliaefolia
Salvia convertiflora
Salvia curviflora
Salvia cyancalyx
Salvia discolour
Salvia elegans Scarlet Pineapple
Salvia elegans Tangerine Sage
Salvia holwayi
Salvia leucantha Phyllis’s Fancy
Salvia leucantha Purple Velvet
Salvia leucantha Waverly
Salvia leucocephela
Salvia miniata
Salvia oxyphora
Salvia semiatrata
Salvia splendens Jim’s Good Red
Salvia splendens van Houteii
Salvia stolonifera
Salvia striata
Salvia Ember’s Wish
Salvia Kisses and Wishes
Salvia Love and Wishes
Salvia Wendy’s Wish
Salvia aurea Kirstenbosch
Salvia blepharophylla
Salvia buchananii
Salvia chamaedryoides isochron
Salvia guaranitica Argentine skies
Salvia regla
Salvia African Sky
Salvia Amante
Salvia Amisted
Salvia Black and Bloom
Salvia Costa Rican Blue
Salvia Indigo Spires
Salvia Jeans Purple Passion
Salvia involucrata
Salvia involucrata Mulberry Jam
Salvia Mystic Spires
Salvia moorcroftiana
Salvia fruticosa
Salvia officianalis
Salvia lavendulifolia
Salvia sclarea Turkestanica
Website design: Coral Design Management Website construction: Brilliant Digital
We wish all our friends and visitors a Good Christmas and a Happy New Year